Detailed reports

You can download a detailed report as a comma separated values (.csv) file from the Reports screen. The .csv file can be opened in a spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, or Google Sheets.

Each report provides extensive usage information for the nominated period. If you need additional detail, you can add columns to your reports by applying Report tags to your organisational units and waiting areas. For information on how to do this, see Assign a report tag.

Part of a CSV file showing the Service Providers report.


If your downloaded .csv file has a row at the bottom containing the text End of Report, you can be sure the report features all relevant data and is complete.

Part of a CSV file showing a series of merged cells containing the text, End of Report.

Organisational units report

This report presents an overview of all activity in the organisational units for which the currently signed-in user has reporting permissions. It includes data on the use of waiting areas and meeting rooms, the number of signed-in users participating in consultations or meetings, and the amount of time spent in those encounters.

Waiting areas report

This report describes the activity in all of the waiting areas for which the user has reporting permissions, including usage, and related consultant activity.

Service providers report

This report summarises the activity undertaken by all service providers in the organisational units for which the currently signed-in user has reporting permissions. It includes data on user activity, the waiting areas used, and when waiting areas were last used.

Consultations report

This report describes in detail the call activity that took place in each consultation, by individual participant.

Meeting rooms report

This report describes the activity in all of the meeting rooms for which the user has reporting permissions.

Meeting room members report

This report summarises the meeting activity undertaken by all meeting room members in the organisational units for which the currently signed-in user has reporting permissions. It includes data on user activity, the meeting rooms used, and when meeting rooms were last used.

Platform accounts report

This report describes the video call platform accounts that were active, created, or deleted during the reporting period, and the roles assigned to those accounts.

Note: Most platform accounts relate to a single person, but some are used by multiple people. This report only counts platform accounts; it does not indicate how many people use a particular account.