Start a meeting

If you are a meeting room member for a particular meeting room, you can start a meeting via the video call management console.

Staff who are not meeting room members, and people from outside your organisation, can Join a meeting as a guest. For information on how to send a guest the meeting room link, see Invite someone to a meeting.

Warning: Meeting room calls are not recommended for clinical use, as they do not have the same privacy and security protections as the other call types. Anyone who has the meeting room link can enter the meeting room.

To start a meeting:

  1. From the main menu, select Meeting Rooms and select or search for the one you need. The action menu opens.

  2. Select Enter Meeting Room.

The meeting rooms call screen is the same as is used for individual appointments. For information about the call screen controls, see Individual appointment call screen.

Note: Only meeting room members have the full range of controls available. Guests will not have the Blur or Invite options.