Invite someone to a call

If you are in an individual appointment with a service userClosed A person who is seeking care or advice from a service provider via video call. A service user may be a patient, client, consumer, citizen, or similar. and you need to add someone else to the call, you can invite them via the call screen controls.

Example: Your service user requests an interpreter, a family member, or a support person, or you need to consult an on-call specialist.

  1. From the call screen, select More More button and then Invite guest. The invite-guest panel opens.

    The Invite Guest dialog, showing three options for inviting a guest to a call. Option 1 is, Send a guest link to this call by email. Below that text there is a field with a sample email address in it. To the right of that is a Send Email button. Option 2 is, Send a guest link to this call by text message. Below that text there is a field with a sample mobile phone number in it. To the right of that is the Send Text Message button. Option 3 is, Copy and paste the following instructions and send to your guest. The instructions say, Remember, Always use the latest version of the Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari web browser. You are invited to join me in a video call at. After the word, at, the call's web link appears.

  2. Chose an option:

    • Enter the email address of the guest and select Send email.

    • Enter the UK mobile phone number of the guest and select Send text message.

    • Select Copy link to copy a URL so that you can paste it into an email or chat program to send to the guest.

Important: As soon as the guest opens the link and enters their details, they are admitted to the call.