Send chat message

You can enter a message and send it to others on the call, and reply to messages that others send you. All messages are deleted when the call is disconnected.

Individual appointment, Consult Now, or meeting room calls

Group consultation calls

Individual appointment, Consult Now, or meeting room calls

The Chat dialog. Two chat bubbles are visible. Each one has the name of the person who wrote the chat message, and the message they wrote. At the bottom of the dialog, the Type a Message Here field appears.To its right, the number two hundred appears, indicating that each message can be 200 characters long. The Send button is in the lower right of the dialog.

  1. From the call screen, select Chat button. Chat. The chat window opens.

  2. In the Send message field, enter the text you want to send.

  3. Select Chat button. Send.

Your messages will be visible to all participants on the call.

Group consultation calls

If chat messaging has been enabled for the group consultation waiting area you are using, you will see the Chat button. (Chat button) on the group consultation call screen's control bar.

There are two types of chats available within group consultations:

  • Group chat: Where all participants in the call can post chat messages that everyone else on the call can see. This could be used if the service provider wants to provide a website link to participants in the call.

  • Private message: Where a service provider initiates a chat with an attendee. Private messages are not visible to other participants in the call, and you can only privately message your provider.

Notifications are displayed on the Chat button.

Send a group chat

To send a group chat:

  1. In the group consultation call screen's control bar, select Chat button. (Chat button) . The chat panel opens.

  2. In the Type a message field, enter the text you want to send.

  3. To send the message, select Enter, or Send chat button. (Send chat button).

Tip: If you have been placed into a breakout room, you can only chat with the other participants in that room. When the breakout room closes, any chats you send will be seen by all participants on the call.

View and reply to a private message

If you receive a private message while your chat window is closed, you will see a counter on your Chat button.

The Chat button with a counter showing the number three, to indicate that there are three unread messages.

Select the chat button. The Chat window opens and you can view the message.

To reply to a private message:

  1. Select the Reply to Private Message button. (Reply to private message button) to the right of the message. A banner appears, confirming that you will be sending a private message.

  2. In the Type a message field, enter the text you want to send.

  3. To send the message, select Enter, or Send chat button. (Send chat button).