Verify your network connection

In the video call setup screen, if you encounter the warning We cannot reach outside your network, you will need to check your network connection.

A dialog that says, We cannot reach outside your network. Your network is not allowing you to make video calls over the internet. If you are calling someone on the same network as you the call may still work. See help for more information. The Restart Test button sits in the lower right of the dialog, and the Continue Anyway link sits in the lower centre.

This warning is displayed if you are on a private network and are attempting to join a call with participant(s) who are connected to a different network. Private networks, such as corporate or school networks, are designed to promote a secure environment by restricting access to and from the network.

Example: You are on a secured corporate or school network which disallows access to all or parts of the internet.

To resolve this issue, make sure that all participants in the video call are either connected to the:

  • internet, or

  • same private network.