Check your microphone is not already in use (Windows)

Make sure that all other programs that utilise the microphone are closed or not being used. This may include pre-installed microphone applications, other video conferencing software such as Skype or Zoom, or other browsers or websites.

Note: The following steps are for Windows 10. Instructions for other Windows versions may vary slightly.

  1. From the Start menu, select Settings.

  2. Select Privacy and then Microphone.

  3. Scroll down to Allow desktop apps to access your microphone. Any applications that are using your microphone will have Currently in use below their name.

    The Windows 10 privacy settings that relate to the device's microphone. There is a list of applications, including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom Meetings. The Google Chrome application has Currently In Use written below it.

  4. Close any applications that are using your microphone and select Restart Test.

Tip: If your microphone uses a driver, you may need to visit the manufacturer's support page to update the driver.