Sign in

Important: If you are a service userClosed A person who is seeking care or advice from a service provider via video call. A service user may be a patient, client, consumer, citizen, or similar. trying to attend a video appointment with a service provider, you do not need to sign in. You just need a call link. Check your appointment letter or your service provider's website, or contact them for the link.

When you have received an email confirming your Attend Anywhere access details, you can sign in to your organisation's video call management console.

  1. Go to the sign-in page for your organisation's video call site. See Sign-in links.

    Important: Be sure to choose your organisation's link. Your access details will not work on any other organisation's site.

  2. In the Email field, enter the email address linked to your account. In the Password field, enter the password you created.

  3. Optional: Select Keep me signed in for today. Without this setting selected, you will be signed out after 10 minutes of inactivity.

    Note: If you are sharing a computer, it may be appropriate to leave this option switched off.

  4. Select Sign in. The video call management console opens.

Tip: To sign out, open the Profile menu and then select Sign out. For more information, see Manage your user profile.


The sign-in links for each organisation are listed below. Your link will open in a new window and you can bookmark it in your preferred browser.

When you have signed in, see Set up your user profile.