Forgotten password

If you forget your password or believe it may have been compromised, you can reset it as follows:

  1. Go to the sign-in page for your organisation's video call site. See Sign-in links.

    Important: Be sure to choose your organisation's link. If you request a password reset on the wrong organisation's site, it will fail.

    Attend Anywhere sign-in screen. The Forgot Password link, towards the bottom of the screen, is highlighted.

  2. Select Forgot password? The Forgot your password dialog opens.

    The Forgot Your Password dialog. The User Account Email Address field is empty. Instructional text appears below the field. This text will be repeated in the steps that follow. The Send button and Cancel button appear in the top right of the dialog.

  3. In the User account email address field, enter the email address you used to set up your user account.

  4. Select Send, and then select Close.

  5. In your email system, check for an email called [your organisation] Reset your Attend Anywhere Management Platform password.

    Note: If the email has not arrived within two minutes, check your junk or spam folder. If there is still no email, contact your administrator.

  6. Open the email and then select Change my password. The Reset Password dialog opens.

  7. In the New password field, enter your new password.

  8. In the Retype password field, enter your new password again.

  9. Select OK.

You can now sign in with your new password.