Join a call as a guest

A colleague may ask you to join a video call that is in progress. They can send you a:

  • direct link to the call from within the individual appointment call screen, or

  • link to the relevant waiting area.

If you have the necessary access, you can also join an in-progress call via the video call management console.

Join using a direct link

Join using the waiting area link

Join using the video call management console

Join using a direct link

If a colleague sends you a direct link to a video call they are in:

  1. Open the link and then follow the prompts to complete the necessary details.

  2. Select Enter Waiting Area. You are automatically admitted to the call.

Join using the waiting area link

If a colleague sends you a link to the waiting area:

  1. Open the link and then follow the prompts to complete the necessary details.

  2. Select Enter Waiting Area. Your colleague will see that you have arrived into the waiting area and will admit you to the call.

Join using the video call management console

If you have the service provider role for the waiting area the call is taking place in, you can join the call as a guest as follows.

Individual appointment call

  1. From the main menu, select Waiting Areas and select or search for the one you need.

  2. Select the service user'sClosed A person who is seeking care or advice from a service provider via video call. A service user may be a patient, client, consumer, citizen, or similar. name and then select Call in progress. Join Call. The This person is already in a video call with another Service Provider dialog opens.

    Note: The service user's status will be Being seen.

  3. Select Yes to confirm and enter the call. You are automatically admitted to the call.

Group consultation call

  1. From the main menu, select Waiting Areas and select or search for the one you need.

  2. Select Join in progress group call. You are automatically admitted to the call.