Suspend waiting area access

If you are a service administrator, service coordinator, or service provider for a waiting area, you can suspend access to that waiting area, and restore access. This overrides the setting in Video Call Access Hours (Providers).

Example: You may want to suspend access immediately before a public holiday.

Suspend access

To suspend access to a waiting area:

  1. From the main menu, select Waiting Areas and select or search for the one you need.

  2. Select Settings button. (Settings button) then Suspend access. The Suspend Caller Access dialog opens.

  3. (Optional but recommended) Enter the message to display to service usersClosed A person who is seeking care or advice from a service provider via video call. A service user may be a patient, client, consumer, citizen, or similar. while access to the waiting area is suspended.

    Tip: Try to provide service users with an alternative course of action to take while video calling is suspended. For example: This waiting area is closed for Easter Friday. For urgent assistance, please phone our after-hours service on [phone number].

  4. (Optional but recommended) Enter the message to display to staff while access to the waiting area is suspended.

  5. Select Yes. Access to the waiting area is immediately suspended, and the Suspend access button now reads Restore access. A banner appears at the top of the waiting area and on the waiting area's tile, to advise users of the suspension.

    Important: Service users who were in the waiting area when access was suspended can still be attended to, but no other service users can enter until access is restored.

Restore access

To restore access to a waiting area:

  1. From the main menu, select Waiting Areas and select or search for the one you need.

  2. Select Restore access. Access is immediately restored.