Resend or cancel a user invitation

If a user has not yet responded to their user invitation email by setting up their account, you can either resend or cancel the invitation. You can access all pending invitations via the Users menu, or go via individual organisational units, waiting areas, or meeting rooms, for invitations sent from those areas.

Access all pending invitations

Organisational unit invitations

Waiting area invitations

Meeting room invitations

Access all pending invitations

To access pending invitations sent from any organisational unit, waiting area, or meeting room you have administrator rights for:

  1. From the main menu, select Users. The Users list opens. Users with pending invitations will have the words Invited yesterday or similar written in italic font.

  2. Select the user you need, and then select Manage Invitation. The Manage Invitation dialog opens.

  3. You can send a reminder, remove some roles from the invitation, or cancel the invitation.

    • To send a reminder invitation, select Send Reminder.

    • To remove a role from the invitation, select the Delete button. (Delete button) for the role and then select Remove Roles. Select Yes to confirm.

    • To cancel the invitation, select the checkbox beside Select All. This selects all the roles that had been authorised for the user. Select Remove Roles, and then Yes to confirm.

      A banner at the top of the screen confirms your change.

  4. If the Manage Invitation dialog is still open, select Close.

Organisational unit invitations

To resend or cancel a user invitation that was sent from an organisational unit:

  1. From the main menu, select Organisational Units and select or search for the one you need.

  2. Select Manage Administrators.

  3. In the Name column, select the user you need. The action menu opens.

    Tip: Look for the words 'Invited [when] as [role names]', to identify pending users.

  4. Select either Resend Invitation or Cancel Invitation. A banner appears at the top of the screen to confirm that the action has been completed.

Waiting area invitations

To resend or cancel a user invitation that was sent from a waiting area:

  1. From the main menu, select Waiting Areas and select or search for the one you need.

  2. Select Settings button. (Settings button), and then Manage Users.

  3. In the Name column, select the user you need. The action menu opens.

    Tip: Look for the words 'Invited [when] as [role names]', to identify pending users.

  4. Select either Resend Invitation or Cancel Invitation. A banner appears at the top of the screen to confirm that the action has been completed.

Meeting room invitations

To resend or cancel a user invitation that was sent from a meeting room:

  1. From the main menu, select Meeting Rooms and select or search for the one you need. The action menu opens.

  2. Select Manage Users.

  3. In the Name column, select the user you need. The action menu opens.

    Tip: Look for the words 'Invited [when] as [role names]', to identify pending users.

  4. Select either Resend Invitation or Cancel Invitation. A banner appears at the top of the screen to confirm that the action has been completed.