Edit a report tag value

If you are a system administrator or organisation administrator, you can edit report tag values on organisational units and waiting areas.

Note: Changes you make to report tags will apply to all reports generated for the waiting area from that point forward. You may want to save some historical reports before you change your report tags. Alternatively, create new waiting areas and apply the report tags you need.

Organisational units

  1. From the main menu, select Organisational Units and select or search for the one you need. The settings menu opens.

  2. From the settings menu, select Manage Reporting Tags.

  3. From the Tag list, select the tag you want to edit and then select Edit Tag Value. The Edit Tag Value dialog opens.

  4. In the Value field, select an option from the list.

  5. Select Save. The updated value appears on the Manage Reporting Tags list.

Waiting areas

  1. From the main menu, select Waiting Areas and select or search for the one you need.

  2. Select Settings button. (Settings icon) and then Manage Reporting Tags.

  3. From the Tag list, select the tag you want to edit and then select Edit Tag Value. The Edit Tag Value dialog opens.

  4. In the Value field, select an option from the list.

  5. Select Save. The updated value appears on the Manage Reporting Tags list.